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Formerly know as bpfd

bpfman: An eBPF Manager

bpfman operates as an eBPF manager, focusing on simplifying the deployment and administration of eBPF programs. Its notable features encompass:

  • System Overview: Provides insights into how eBPF is utilized in your system.
  • eBPF Program Loader: Includes a built-in program loader that supports program cooperation for XDP and TC programs, as well as deployment of eBPF programs from OCI images.
  • eBPF Filesystem Management: Manages the eBPF filesystem, facilitating the deployment of eBPF applications without requiring additional privileges.

Our program loader and eBPF filesystem manager ensure the secure deployment of eBPF applications. Furthermore, bpfman includes a Kubernetes operator, extending these capabilities to Kubernetes. This allows users to confidently deploy eBPF through custom resource definitions across nodes in a cluster.

Quick Start

To get up and running with bpfman go straight to the quick start documentation.

Why eBPF?

eBPF is a powerful general-purpose framework that allows running sandboxed programs in the kernel. It can be used for many purposes, including networking, monitoring, tracing and security.

Why eBPF in Kubernetes?

Demand is increasing from both Kubernetes developers and users. Examples of eBPF in Kubernetes include:

  • Cilium and Calico CNIs
  • Pixie: Open source observability
  • KubeArmor: Container-aware runtime security enforcement system
  • Blixt: Gateway API L4 conformance implementation
  • NetObserv: Open source operator for network observability

Challenges for eBPF in Kubernetes

  • Requires privileged pods.
  • eBPF-enabled apps require at least CAP_BPF permissions and potentially more depending on the type of program that is being attached.
  • Since the Linux capabilities are very broad it is challenging to constrain a pod to the minimum set of privileges required. This can allow them to do damage (either unintentionally or intentionally).
  • Handling multiple eBPF programs on the same eBPF hooks.
  • Not all eBPF hooks are designed to support multiple programs.
  • Some software using eBPF assumes exclusive use of an eBPF hook and can unintentionally eject existing programs when being attached. This can result in silent failures and non-deterministic failures.
  • Debugging problems with deployments is hard.
  • The cluster administrator may not be aware that eBPF programs are being used in a cluster.
  • It is possible for some eBPF programs to interfere with others in unpredictable ways.
  • SSH access or a privileged pod is necessary to determine the state of eBPF programs on each node in the cluster.
  • Lifecycle management of eBPF programs.
  • While there are libraries for the basic loading and unloading of eBPF programs, a lot of code is often needed around them for lifecycle management.
  • Deployment on Kubernetes is not simple.
  • It is an involved process that requires first writing a daemon that loads your eBPF bytecode and deploying it using a DaemonSet.
  • This requires careful design and intricate knowledge of the eBPF program lifecycle to ensure your program stays loaded and that you can easily tolerate pod restarts and upgrades.
  • In eBPF enabled K8s deployments today, the eBPF Program is often embedded into the userspace binary that loads and interacts with it. This means there's no easy way to have fine-grained versioning control of the bpfProgram in relation to it's accompanying userspace counterpart.

What is bpfman?

bpfman is a software stack that aims to make it easy to load, unload, modify and monitor eBPF programs whether on a single host, or in a Kubernetes cluster. bpfman includes the following core components:

  • bpfman: A system daemon that supports loading, unloading, modifying and monitoring of eBPF programs exposed over a gRPC API.
  • eBPF CRDS: bpfman provides a set of CRDs (XdpProgram, TcProgram, etc.) that provide a way to express intent to load eBPF programs as well as a bpfman generated CRD (BpfProgram) used to represent the runtime state of loaded programs.
  • bpfman-agent: The agent runs in a container in the bpfman daemonset and ensures that the requested eBPF programs for a given node are in the desired state.
  • bpfman-operator: An operator, built using Operator SDK, that manages the installation and lifecycle of bpfman-agent and the CRDs in a Kubernetes cluster.

bpfman is developed in Rust and built on top of Aya, a Rust eBPF library.

The benefits of this solution include the following:

  • Security
  • Improved security because only the bpfman daemon, which can be tightly controlled, has the privileges needed to load eBPF programs, while access to the API can be controlled via standard RBAC methods. Within bpfman, only a single thread keeps these capabilities while the other threads (serving RPCs) do not.
  • Gives the administrators control over who can load programs.
  • Allows administrators to define rules for the ordering of networking eBPF programs. (ROADMAP)
  • Visibility/Debuggability
  • Improved visibility into what eBPF programs are running on a system, which enhances the debuggability for developers, administrators, and customer support.
  • The greatest benefit is achieved when all apps use bpfman, but even if they don't, bpfman can provide visibility into all the eBPF programs loaded on the nodes in a cluster.
  • Multi-program Support
  • Support for the coexistence of multiple eBPF programs from multiple users.
  • Uses the libxdp multiprog protocol to allow multiple XDP programs on single interface
  • This same protocol is also supported for TC programs to provide a common multi-program user experience across both TC and XDP.
  • Productivity
  • Simplifies the deployment and lifecycle management of eBPF programs in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • developers can stop worrying about program lifecycle (loading, attaching, pin management, etc.) and use existing eBPF libraries to interact with their program maps using well defined pin points which are managed by bpfman.
  • Developers can still use Cilium/libbpf/Aya/etc libraries for eBPF development, and load/unload with bpfman.
  • Provides eBPF Bytecode Image Specifications that allows fine-grained separate versioning control for userspace and kernelspace programs. This also allows for signing these container images to verify bytecode ownership.

For more details, please see the following:

We are a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project.