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Community Meeting: January 11 and 18, 2024

Hit the Ground Running

Another set of bpfman Community Meetings for 2024. There is a lot going on with bpfman in Q1 of 2024. Spending a lot of time making bpfman daemonless. I bailed for a ski trip after the Jan 11 meeting, so the notes didn't get written up. So this summary will include two weeks of meetings.

Below were some of the discussion points from the last two weeks Community Meetings.

  • Manpage/CLI TAB Completion Questions (Jan 11)
  • Kubernetes Support for Attaching uprobes in Containers (Jan 11)
  • netify Preview in Github Removed (Jan 11)
  • RPM Builds and Socket Activation (Jan 18)
  • KubeCon EU Discussion (Jan 18)

January 11, 2024

Manpage/CLI TAB Completion Questions (Jan 11)

The bpfman CLI now has TAB Completion and man pages. However, a couple nits need to be cleaned up Issue#913 and Billy (@billy99) wanted to clarify a few issues encountered. The current implementation for both features is using an environment variable to set the destination directory for the generated files. Other features don't work this way and there was a discussion on the proper location for the generated files. The decision was to use .output/..

There was another discussion around clap (Rust CLI crate) and passing variables to clap from the Cargo.toml file. In the CLI code, #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] implies to pull the values from the Config.toml file, but we aren’t setting any of those variables. Also, for cargo xtask build-man-page and cargo xtask build-completion they pull from the xtask Cargo.toml file. The decision was to set the variables implicitly in code and not pull from Cargo.toml.

Kubernetes Support for Attaching uprobes in Containers (Jan 11)

Andre (@anfredette) is working on a feature to enable attaching uprobes in other Containers. Currently, bpfman only supports attaching uprobes within the bpfman container. There was a discussion on proper way to format a query to the KubeAPI server to match on NodeName on a Pod list. The discussion included so code walk through. Andrew (@astoycos) found a possible solution client-go:Issue#410 and Dave (@dave-tucker) suggested kubernetes-api:podspec-v1-core.

netify Preview in Github Removed (Jan 11)

Lastly, there was a discussion on the netify preview being removed from github and a reminder why. Dave (@dave-tucker) explained that with the docs release history now in place, "current" is from a branch and it is not easy to preview. So for now, document developers need to run mkdocs locally (See generate-documention).

Attendees (Jan 11)

  • Andre Fredette (Red Hat)
  • Andrew Stoycos (Red Hat)
  • Billy McFall (Red Hat)
  • Dave Tucker (Red Hat)
  • Shane Utt (Kong)

January 18, 2024

RPM Builds and Socket Activation (Jan 18)

RPM Builds for bpfman went in fairly recently and Billy (@billy99) had some questions around their implementation. RPM and Socket Activation were developed and merged around the same time and the RPM builds are not installing socket activation properly. Just verifying that RPMs should be installing the bpfman.socket file. And they should. There were also some questions on how to build RPMs locally. Verified that packit build locally is the way forward.

Note: Socket activation was added to RPM Builds along with documentation on building and using RPMs in PR#922

KubeCon EU Discussion (Jan 18)

With KubeCon EU just around the corner (March 19-22, 2024 in Paris), discussion around bpfman talks and who was attending. Dave (@dave-tucker) is probably attending and Shane (@shaneutt) might attend. So if you are planning on attending KubeCon EU and are interested in bpfman or just eBPF, keep an eye out for these guys for some lively discussions!

Attendees (Jan 18)

  • Billy McFall (Red Hat)
  • Dave Tucker (Red Hat)
  • Shane Utt (Kong)

bpfman Community Info

A friendly reminder that the Community Meetings are every Thursday 10am-11am Eastern US Time and all are welcome!

Google Meet joining info: