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Example eBPF Programs

Example applications that use the bpfman-go bindings can be found in the examples/ directory. Current examples include:

Example Code Breakdown

These examples and the associated documentation are intended to provide the basics on how to deploy and manage an eBPF program using bpfman. Each of the examples contain an eBPF Program written in C (kprobe_counter.c, tc_counter.c, tracepoint_counter.c uprobe_counter.c, and xdp_counter.c) that is compiled into eBPF bytecode (bpf_bpfel.o). Each time the eBPF program is called, it increments the packet and byte counts in a map that is accessible by the userspace portion.

Each of the examples also have a userspace portion written in GO. The userspace code is leveraging the cilium/ebpf library to manage the maps shared with the eBPF program. The example eBPF programs are very similar in functionality, and only vary where in the Linux networking stack they are inserted. The userspace program then polls the eBPF map every 3 seconds and logs the current counts.

The examples were written to either run locally on a host or run in a container in a Kubernetes deployment. The userspace code flow is slightly different depending on the deployment, so input parameters dictate the deployment method.

Examples in Local Deployment

When run locally, the userspace program makes gRPC calls to bpfman-rpc requesting bpfman to load the eBPF program at the requested hook point (XDP hook point, TC hook point, Tracepoint, etc). Data sent in the RPC request is either defaulted or passed in via input parameters. To make the examples as simple as possible to run, all input data is defaulted (except the interface TC and XDP programs need to attach to) but can be overwritten if desired. All example programs have the following common parameters (kprobe does not have any command specific parameters):

cd bpfman/examples/go-kprobe-counter/

./go-kprobe-counter --help
Usage of ./go-kprobe-counter:
        Flag to indicate all attributes should be pulled from the BpfProgram CRD.
        Used in Kubernetes deployments and is mutually exclusive with all other
  -file string
        File path of bytecode source. "file" and "image"/"id" are mutually exclusive.
        Example: -file /home/$USER/src/bpfman/examples/go-kprobe-counter/bpf_bpfel.o
  -id uint
        Optional Program ID of bytecode that has already been loaded. "id" and
        "file"/"image" are mutually exclusive.
        Example: -id 28341
  -image string
        Image repository URL of bytecode source. "image" and "file"/"id" are
        mutually exclusive.
        Example: -image
  -map_owner_id int
        Program Id of loaded eBPF program this eBPF program will share a map with.
        Example: -map_owner_id 9785

The location of the eBPF bytecode can be provided four different ways:

  • Defaulted: If nothing is passed in, the code scans the local directory for a bpf_bpfel.o file. If found, that is used. If not, it errors out.
  • file: Fully qualified path of the bytecode object file.
  • image: Image repository URL of bytecode source.
  • id: Kernel program Id of a bytecode that has already been loaded. This program could have been loaded using bpftool, or bpfman.

If two userspace programs need to share the same map, map_owner_id is the Program ID of the first loaded program that has the map the second program wants to share.

The examples require sudo to run because they require access the Unix socket bpfman-rpc is listening on. Deploying Example eBPF Programs On Local Host steps through launching bpfman locally and running some of the examples.

Examples in Kubernetes Deployment

When run in a Kubernetes deployment, all the input data is passed to Kubernetes through yaml files. To indicate to the userspace code that it is in a Kubernetes deployment and not to try to load the eBPF bytecode, the example is launched in the container with the crd flag. Example: ./go-kprobe-counter -crd

For these examples, the bytecode is loaded via one yaml file which creates a *Program CRD Object (KprobeProgram, TcProgram, TracepointProgram, etc.) and the userspace pod is loaded via another yaml file. In a more realistic deployment, the userspace pod may have the logic to send the *Program CRD Object create request to the KubeAPI Server, but the two yaml files are load manually for simplicity in the example code. The examples directory contain yaml files to load each example, leveraging Kustomize to modify the yaml to load the latest images from, to load custom images or released based images. It is recommended to use the commands built into the Makefile, which run kustomize, to apply and remove the yaml files to a Kubernetes cluster. Use make help to see all the make options. For example:

cd bpfman/examples/

# Deploy then undeploy all the examples
make deploy
make undeploy


# Deploy then undeploy just the TC example
make deploy-tc
make undeploy-tc

Deploying Example eBPF Programs On Kubernetes steps through deploying bpfman to multiple nodes in a Kubernetes cluster and loading the examples.

Building Example Code

All the examples can be built locally as well as packaged in a container for Kubernetes deployment.

Building Locally

To build directly on a system, make sure all the prerequisites are met, then build.


This assumes bpfman is already installed and running on the system. If not, see Setup and Building bpfman.

  1. All requirements defined by the cilium/ebpf package
  2. libbpf development package to get the required eBPF c headers

    Fedora: sudo dnf install libbpf-devel

    Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libbpf-dev

  3. Cilium's bpf2go binary

    go install


To build all the C based eBPF counter bytecode, run:

cd bpfman/examples/
make generate

To build all the Userspace GO Client examples, run:

cd bpfman/examples/
make build

To build only a single example:

cd bpfman/examples/go-tc-counter/
go generate
go build
cd bpfman/examples/go-tracepoint-counter/
go generate
go build

Other program types are the same.

Building eBPF Bytecode Container Image

eBPF Bytecode Image Specifications provides detailed instructions on building and shipping bytecode in a container image. Pre-built eBPF container images for the examples can be loaded from:


To build the example eBPF bytecode container images, run the build commands below (the go generate requires the Prerequisites described above):

cd bpfman/examples/go-xdp-counter/
go generate

docker build \
  --build-arg PROGRAM_NAME=go-xdp-counter \
  --build-arg BPF_FUNCTION_NAME=xdp_stats \
  --build-arg PROGRAM_TYPE=xdp \
  --build-arg BYTECODE_FILENAME=bpf_bpfel.o \
  --build-arg KERNEL_COMPILE_VER=$(uname -r) \
  -f ../../Containerfile.bytecode . -t$USER/go-xdp-counter-bytecode:latest


cd bpfman/examples/go-tc-counter/
go generate

docker build \
  --build-arg PROGRAM_NAME=go-tc-counter \
  --build-arg BPF_FUNCTION_NAME=stats \
  --build-arg PROGRAM_TYPE=tc \
  --build-arg BYTECODE_FILENAME=bpf_bpfel.o \
  --build-arg KERNEL_COMPILE_VER=$(uname -r) \
  -f ../../Containerfile.bytecode . -t$USER/go-tc-counter-bytecode:latest

Other program types are the same.

bpfman currently does not provide a method for pre-loading bytecode images (see issue #603), so push the bytecode image to a remote repository. For example:

docker login
docker push$USER/go-xdp-counter-bytecode:latest
docker push$USER/go-tc-counter-bytecode:latest

Then run with the privately built bytecode container image:

sudo ./go-tc-counter -iface ens3 -direction ingress -image$USER/go-tc-counter-bytecode:latest
2022/12/02 16:38:44 Using Input: Interface=ens3 Priority=50$USER/go-tc-counter-bytecode:latest
2022/12/02 16:38:45 Program registered with id 6225
2022/12/02 16:38:48 4 packets received
2022/12/02 16:38:48 580 bytes received

2022/12/02 16:38:51 4 packets received
2022/12/02 16:38:51 580 bytes received

^C2022/12/02 16:38:51 Exiting...
2022/12/02 16:38:51 Unloading Program: 6225

Running Examples

cd bpfman/examples/go-xdp-counter/
sudo ./go-xdp-counter -iface <INTERNET INTERFACE NAME>

or (NOTE: TC programs also require a direction, ingress or egress)

cd bpfman/examples/go-tc-counter/
sudo ./go-tc-counter -direction ingress -iface <INTERNET INTERFACE NAME>


cd bpfman/examples/go-tracepoint-counter/
sudo ./go-tracepoint-counter

bpfman can load eBPF bytecode from a container image built following the spec described in eBPF Bytecode Image Specifications.

To use the container image, pass the URL to the userspace program:

sudo ./go-xdp-counter -iface ens3 -image
2022/12/02 16:28:32 Using Input: Interface=ens3 Priority=50
2022/12/02 16:28:34 Program registered with id 6223
2022/12/02 16:28:37 4 packets received
2022/12/02 16:28:37 580 bytes received

2022/12/02 16:28:40 4 packets received
2022/12/02 16:28:40 580 bytes received

^C2022/12/02 16:28:42 Exiting...
2022/12/02 16:28:42 Unloading Program: 6223