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eBPF Bytecode Image Specifications


The eBPF Bytecode Image specification defines how to package eBPF bytecode as container images. The initial primary use case focuses on the containerization and deployment of eBPF programs within container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes, where it is necessary to provide a portable way to distribute bytecode to all nodes which need it.


We provide two distinct spec variants here to ensure interoperatiblity with existing registries and packages which do no support the new custom media types defined here.

Backwards compatible OCI compliant spec

This variant makes use of existing OCI conventions to represent eBPF Bytecode as container images.

Image Layers

The container images following this variant must contain exactly one layer who's media type is one of the following:

  • application/vnd.oci.image.layer.v1.tar+gzip or the compliant application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip

Additionally the image layer must contain a valid eBPF object file (generally containing a .o extension) placed at the root of the layer ./.

Image Labels

To provide relevant metadata regarding the bytecode to any consumers, some relevant labels MUST be defined on the image.

These labels are defined as follows:

  • io.ebpf.program_type: The eBPF program type (i.e xdp,tc, sockops, ...).

  • io.ebpf.filename: The Filename of the bytecode stored in the image.

  • io.ebpf.program_name: The name of the eBPF Program represented in the bytecode.

  • io.ebpf.section_name: The section name of the eBPF Program.

Building a Backwards compatible OCI compliant image

An Example Containerfile can be found at /packaging/container/deployment/Containerfile.bytecode

To use the provided templated Containerfile simply run a docker build command like the following:

docker build \
 --build-arg PROGRAM_NAME=xdp_pass \
 --build-arg SECTION_NAME=pass \
 --build-arg PROGRAM_TYPE=xdp \
 --build-arg BYTECODE_FILENAME=pass.bpf.o \
 --build-arg KERNEL_COMPILE_VER=$(uname -r) \
 -f packaging/container-deployment/Containerfile.bytecode \
 /home/<USER>/bytecode -t<USER>/xdp_pass:latest

Where /home/<USER>/bytecode is the directory the bytecode object file is located.

Users can also use skopeo to ensure the image follows the backwards compatible version of the spec:

  • skopeo inspect will show the correctly configured labels stored in the configuration layer (application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json) of the image.
skopeo inspect docker://
    "Name": "<USER>/xdp_pass",
    "Digest": "sha256:db1f7dd03f9fba0913e07493238fcfaf0bf08de37b8e992cc5902775dfb9086a",
    "RepoTags": [
    "Created": "2022-08-14T14:27:20.147468277Z",
    "DockerVersion": "",
    "Labels": {
        "io.buildah.version": "1.26.1",
        "io.ebpf.filename": "pass.bpf.o",
        "io.ebpf.program_name": "xdp_counter",
        "io.ebpf.program_type": "xdp",
        "io.ebpf.section_name": "pass"
    "Architecture": "amd64",
    "Os": "linux",
    "Layers": [
    "Env": [
  • skopeo inspect --raw will show the correct layer type is used in the image.
skopeo inspect --raw  docker://

Custom OCI compatible spec

This variant of the eBPF bytecode image spec uses custom OCI medium types to represent eBPF bytecode as container images. Many toolchains and registries may not support this yet.
