Quick Start
This section describes how to deploy bpfman
quickly from pre-built release
artifacts. Users can either deploy it locally via provided RPMs or in a
kubernetes cluster via the provided container images and install yamls. See Releases for the complete set of bpfman releases.
Deploy Released RPM from COPR Locally
This section describes how to install an RPM built automatically by the Packit Service. The Packit Service builds RPMs for each release.
To install an RPM generated by the Packit Service, the following packages need to be installed:
based OS:
Additionally the bpfman copr repo needs to be enabled:
To see information about the latest released version of bpfman simply run
sudo dnf info bpfman
Last metadata expiration check: 0:03:10 ago on Mon 06 May 2024 10:37:37 AM EDT.
Available Packages
Name : bpfman
Version : 0.4.2
Release : 1.fc39
Architecture : src
Size : 41 M
Source : None
Repository : copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:group_ebpf-sig:bpfman
Summary : An eBPF program manager
URL : https://bpfman.io
License : Apache-2.0
Description : An eBPF Program Manager.
Name : bpfman
Version : 0.4.2
Release : 1.fc39
Architecture : x86_64
Size : 9.7 M
Source : bpfman-0.4.2-1.fc39.src.rpm
Repository : copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:group_ebpf-sig:bpfman
Summary : An eBPF program manager
URL : https://bpfman.io
License : Apache-2.0 AND Unicode-DFS-2016 AND BSD-3-Clause AND ISC AND MIT AND MPL-2.0
Description : An eBPF Program Manager.
Next install, either the latest version with:
Or install an older version with:
is now installed but not running. To start the bpfman-rpc
server process:
Finally you can run one of the sample applications:
sudo bpfman load image --image-url quay.io/bpfman-bytecode/tracepoint:latest --name "enter_openat" tracepoint --tracepoint syscalls/sys_enter_openat
sudo bpfman list
Program ID Name Type Load Time
1552 enter_openat tracepoint 2024-05-06T10:50:57-0400
sudo bpfman unload 1552
When ready to uninstall, determine the RPM that is currently loaded:
To stop bpfman and uninstall the RPM:
sudo systemctl stop bpfman.socket
sudo systemctl disable bpfman.socket
sudo dnf erase -y bpfman-0.4.2-1.fc39.x86_64
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Deploy Released Container Images on Kubernetes
The quickest solution for running bpfman
in a Kubernetes deployment is to run a
local Kubernetes KIND Cluster:
OpenShift has tighter security requirements and requires additional
settings. When deploying bpfman on OpenShift, use the OperatorHub
from the
OpenShift console, search for ebpf
, and install either the Bpfman
Operator by Community
or the eBPF Manager Operator by Red Hat
. The
Bpfman Operator by Community
tracks the upstream releases of bpfman. The
eBPF Manager Operator by Red Hat
is based on bpfman at the time of the
corresponding OpenShift release.
Next, deploy the bpfman CRDs:
export BPFMAN_REL=0.5.6
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/bpfman/bpfman/releases/download/v${BPFMAN_REL}/bpfman-crds-install.yaml
Next, deploy the bpfman-operator
, which will also deploy the bpfman-daemon
, which contains
, bpfman
Library and bpfman-agent
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/bpfman/bpfman/releases/download/v${BPFMAN_REL}/bpfman-operator-install.yaml
Finally, deploy an example eBPF program:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/bpfman/bpfman/releases/download/v${BPFMAN_REL}/go-xdp-counter-install.yaml
kubectl get xdpprograms
go-xdp-counter-example xdp_stats {} ReconcileSuccess
There are other example program install yamls in the artifacts for each Release payload.
Use the following command to teardown the cluster: