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Pre-Commit Configuration

This repository uses pre-commit to automate code quality checks and formatting for YAML and Rust files. The following hooks are configured to ensure code consistency and quality.


  • Ensure you have Python and pip installed.
  • Install pre-commit by running:
pip install pre-commit
  • Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed. You can install them from


To set up the pre-commit hooks in your repository, run:

pre-commit install

This will install the hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

Hooks Overview

YAML Linting

  • Hook ID: yamllint
  • Description: This hook checks YAML files for syntax errors and best practices.
  • Command:
    yamllint -c .yamllint.yaml --strict

Rust Clippy

  • Hook ID: clippy
  • Description: This hook runs Clippy, a linting tool for Rust, to catch common mistakes and improve your code.
  • Command:
    bash -c 'export NIGHTLY_VERSION=nightly-2024-09-24 && cargo +${NIGHTLY_VERSION}
    clippy --all -- --deny warnings'

Rust Formatting

  • Hook ID: fmt
  • Description: This hook formats Rust code according to the standard Rust style.
  • Command:
    bash -c 'export NIGHTLY_VERSION=nightly-2024-09-24 && cargo +${NIGHTLY_VERSION}
    fmt --all -- --check'

Xtask Public API

  • Hook ID: xtask-public-api
  • Description: This hook runs a custom command defined in xtask to check the public API of the Rust project.
  • Command:
    bash -c 'export NIGHTLY_VERSION=nightly-2024-09-24 && cargo xtask public-api
    --toolchain ${NIGHTLY_VERSION}'


To manually run all configured hooks, execute:

pre-commit run --all-files

You can also run a specific hook by specifying its ID. For example, to run Clippy, use:

pre-commit run clippy --all-files

Customizing the Toolchain

The hooks are configured to use a specific nightly version of Rust (nightly-2024-09-24). If you want to change the nightly version, simply update the NIGHTLY_VERSION variable in the respective hook commands in .pre-commit-config.yaml.