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Setup and Building bpfd

This section describes how to build bpfd. If this is the first time building bpfd, jump to the Development Environment Setup section for help installing the tooling.

Building bpfd

To just test with the latest bpfd, containerized image are stored in (see bpfd Container Images). To build with local changes, use the following commands.

If you are building bpfd for the first time OR the eBPF code has changed:

cargo xtask build-ebpf --libbpf-dir /path/to/libbpf

If protobuf files have changed:

cargo xtask build-proto

To build bpfd and bpfctl:

cargo build

Development Environment Setup

To build bpfd, the following packages must be installed.

Install Rust Toolchain

For further detailed instructions, see Rust Stable & Rust Nightly.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
rustup toolchain install nightly -c rustfmt,clippy,rust-src

Install LLVM

LLVM 11 or later must be installed. Linux package managers should provide a recent enough release.

dnf based OS:

sudo dnf install llvm-devel clang-devel elfutils-libelf-devel

apt based OS:

sudo apt install clang lldb lld libelf-dev gcc-multilib

Install Protobuf Compiler

For further detailed instructions, see protoc.

dnf based OS:

sudo dnf install protobuf-compiler

apt based OS:

sudo apt install protobuf-compiler

Install GO protobuf Compiler Extensions

See Quick Start Guide for gRPC in Go for installation instructions.

Local libbpf

Checkout a local copy of libbpf.

git clone --branch v0.8.0

Install perl

Install perl:

dnf based OS:

sudo dnf install perl

apt based OS:

sudo apt install perl